sunnuntai 11. marraskuuta 2012

Lion King Khan

Jambo jambo! :) Today was colourful and full of surprises :D First it seemed to be a little bit like the other ones but then it turned in to an adventure :D
It started with a wake up "knock knock" from the Camp guards and then breakfast in the restaurant. I packed with me things to the whole day cause we would eat lunch at the Lugard's Falls and we would come back first 15.00. And off we went again. One woman from our car was sick so she didn't come with us today :( It was sad, especially cause she knew so much and she was a translator so she could explain everything we didn't understand :)
First we didn't see any new animals or birds, but then we saw a magnificant eagle and a lion mother. Well we had ofc seen lions before in Amboseli, but this one was closer :) Our driver calls the lions always " simbas" like in the lion king, but I just relized today that "simba" means lion in Swahili language! So that's where the name of the Lion King comes from :D He also speaks about Zazu (hornbill), Rafiki (baboon), Pumba (Warthog) and Timon (Moongose) and they are all in the lion king. I started to wonder if they are Swahili words to, cause you know "Hakuna Matata" is Swahili and ut means "no problem" and it's the song in the lion king :D
Okay so after a while it started pouring with water. Dark grey clouds surrounded us and surprisingly fast the rivers started to expand and the road got mudpools. We arrived to the Lugard's Falls and we got our lunchboxes and suddenly the rain just stopped. But the falls were a little bit dissapointment, cause they were so small, not like an real waterfall... But we did see some hippos and crocodiles so that was good :) After the falls we headed back to the Satao Camp and we stopped at a lodge for toilets. Just before we the Camp our driver Khan turned to a side road where just we went checking for lions and leopards. We had been two times there before but the only animals we had seen then was waterbucks and impalas. Now we saw something more. 15 lions resting under two trees! 8 babys and 7 mothers :) Naaw they were so cute and just a couple (5-10) meters distance from us! I took like a 100 pics of them and a short video clip too :) And after we got there Khan informed the others, but still he found them and he did not give up! :)
After 20 minutes of picturing the simbas we drove back to the camp. There we had 1,5 h of free time and then we would have some program again :)
17.30 we got in to the cars again and our drivers got us to a beautiful plain fireplace in the middle of nowhere. There were chairs around the fire and some kenyans from the camp. They had prepared some traditional kenyan snacks and drinks and we sat there talking, taking pictures and enjoing the sunset (even if it was a bit cloudy :D). The happening is called "sundowner" like "after ski" when skiing. It was really nice and a very cool end to the safari. It was the last safariday ;( It has been so wonderful, a thing I've never going to forget :) But Mombasa is still ahead :))
We had dinner back at the camp at 20, but I didn't eat anything cause I had eaten the snacks and they had been enough for me :) I just drank Ginger Ale and enjoyed the last safari day :)
Then I went back to the tent, escorted by a very talkative guard and headed straight to bed :)
Safari back Mombasa next----->
See you :)
Love Miranda

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